Student Handbook
Attendance Policy
Attendance at school is one of the greatest predictors of success for students. The key to regular school attendance is parent involvement and commitment. When parents value the educational experience and are committed to their children’s education, their children are more likely to attend school consistently and therefore are more likely to graduate.
Attendance at school is essential to the educational success of students at Sauk Rapids-Rice District 47 schools. Daily attendance is required by the State of Minnesota for all school age students. (See District Policy #503–Student Attendance on the district website.) Our high school expects and supports exemplary attendance.
Please see the student handbook on the School Office page for the complete policy.
The education of students goes beyond the teachers and classrooms. Our building office staff can help answer questions about enrollment, academics and attendance at Sauk Rapids-Rice High School and are happy to assist you.
Attendance and Activities
Students in activities are expected to be in attendance in order to participate or practice in an activity the same day. Any unexcused absence during the school day may impact participation in activities that evening. Students in evening activities are expected to be in all of their classes the following day, or will not be allowed to participate in the next contest. No early release will be given for students leaving for an activity to get clothes, food, et cetera. Any student who participates in any SRRHS sponsored activities who are assigned all day in school suspension, dismissal or suspension from school will be ineligible to participate on that day.
Code of Conduct 2023-2024 (Update coming)
The Code of Conduct is a guide to student behavior. The Sauk Rapids-Rice Public Schools, ISD 47, Board of Education creates and adopts policies to guide the actions of everyone in the district. The district team develops procedures to show how these policies will be implemented in the Sauk Rapids-Rice Public Schools and the superintendent, principals and program administrators can then add specific school guidelines and expectations. Teachers and other staff work with students to set and follow the expectations for how they will work together in each classroom. Adult staff members are held to high standards of behavior and are subject to all applicable laws, Board of Education policies, and Human Resources’ rules and practices.
The rules and regulations regarding student behavior and discipline in this document fulfill the Board of Education’s policies as stated in Sauk Rapids-Rice Public Schools Board Policies.
Student Handbook
The student handbook is a living document, reviewed annually to accurately reflect our school policies and practices, but even more so, to guide our behaviors and actions and allow all students to learn and grow! It is intended to inform you and help you better understand the procedures of the high school. Please take the time to read and share this handbook with your parents or guardians, as it is your responsibility to become familiar with and follow the rules and regulations.
We look forward to partnering with you in promoting a great school climate where all students are valued and treated with respect. Please let us know how we might help you with your high school career.