Achieve Sustaining Exemplar PBIS Status from MDE!

Achieve Sustaining Exemplar PBIS Status from MDE!

Each year, the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) recognizes schools for their successful implementation of the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework.

This past school 2023-2024 year we had three schools that were recognized by MDE  and given the Sustaining Exemplar PBIS recognition.

  1. Mississippi Heights - Principal Tanya Peterson

  2. Pleasantview Elementary - Principal Aby Froiland

  3. Rice Elementary - Principal Jenny Bushman

The Sustaining Exemplar PBIS recognition is given to schools that have completed MDE's two-year PBIS training program and continue to implement programming to achieve positive student outcomes. 

Thanks to you and your staff for your work in supporting student behavior, improving school climate, and creating respectful learning environments that lead to increased student achievement.

These schools were recognized at the September 23, 2024 board meeting.

School Board Members and Principals of three schools in the district who received PBIS awards for 2023-2024

All of our schools in the Sauk Rapids-Rice district participate in the “PATH of the Storm” PBIS program.  Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) is a school-wide, data-drive system to promote positive behavior among our students. Learning productive behaviors is a critical part in our students' development, so we teach our behavioral expectations in the same manner as we would math or reading. Students are not expected to automatically know how to behave in certain situations or environments. We provide the support they need to learn those behaviors and carry them into their futures. The systems we have in place encourage positive behavior and reteach expected behaviors to struggling students. 

Our “PATH” acronym includes the following behavioral expectations:

P= Prepared
A= Accepting
T= Trustworthy
H= Helpful

How can parents help?

Learning is not constricted to the walls of our schools, and we encourage parents to promote positive behavior at home. You can accomplish this by reviewing PATH expectations with your child to reinforce their importance. Show interest in your child's day by asking about it when they return home. Take time to celebrate their achievements and milestones! 

Assisting your child in being prepared for school and getting a good night's rest will help set them up for days full of learning. Encourage your child to do their best both academically and behaviorally. Practicing positive phrases (please, thank you, I'm sorry) will help your student carry those phrases into school behavior. 

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