Courses & Registration Guide
Planning for your post-secondary goals is one of the most important tasks you will have in high school. Your career path may be shaped by your high school experience. Make the most of it!
Selecting appropriate classes is a very important task. The registration of courses helps to set the direction for your future and, in many cases, helps you in preparing for college or a career. Our academic program offers an incredible number of courses and learning opportunities. Planning a schedule of classes that fits your interests and abilities, and also prepares you for your future can be challenging, but is critical to your success! Please know that we stand ready to help you with your selections.
Our Connections/Freshman Experience program and our focus on post-secondary readiness should be an important part of your course selection process. Build a four-year plan. It will change over time, but consider your post secondary goals as you select your courses.
Thank you for considering all classes and for taking this seriously. Our district and the high school rely on accurate registrations by all students to build a schedule that has the greatest number of options for students. We ask that you plan your courses and schedules carefully.
Using this Registration Guide
For more sorting options, visit the following pages: